Nelasa Vess

Monster hunter, tinkerer, and bodyguard for hire


Physical Description:

Nelasa is a very fit Keeper of the Moon, unafraid to flaunt her strength every now and then. Toned and nicely defined muscles ripple along her body. Either hardened through battle, personal training, or both.Her signature appearance would be at her head, her hair changes styles every now and then, depending if she grows it out. Though it always remains a natural black. The eyes just below her bangs are a vibrant shade of ruby red with the black pit of her cirular iris in the middle. She wears very little makeup, sticking with simple black eyeshadow and lipstick. As for her apparel, it changes every day, even her armor. Something for every situation at least.

Brief Background:

Born and abandoned in the city of Ishgard, she grew up among the slum-dwellers with her brother. As a teenager Nelasa did everything she could to survive, training herself with a blade and foolishly approaching sellsword jobs. Years later she would travel, honing her skills even further upon arrival to Thanalan and even more so during her stay in Ul'dah. She takes advantage of the city's wealthy merchants and their desperate need for personal protection, bodyguard work. Several months have passed since then, straying from the bodyguard role and taking up monster hunting for a living. From then till now she's ventured to places far and wide, offering her services to most who desire it. So long as the coin is right, of course.

Age: 29
Gender: Female*
Build: Muscular/Athletic
Species: Miqo'te
Nationality: The Holy See of Ishgard
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Weaponskills: War-Scythe, Gunblade, Katana, Staff
Ability: Martial combat and a lethal knowledge of magic
Orientation: Bi/Polyamourous
Voice Claim: Laura Bailey

Armory and Weaponskills

Primary Method


At a young age she started the path toward sword mastery on the outskirts of Foundation, in Coerthas, from her foster father that hailed from a very far eastern land. She learned the basics and then some from the Samurai, enough to sharpen herself through practice.

Previous Focuses

War Scythe

The culmination of her years of training, both in expertise in martial combat and magical ability has poured into a new focus. What was once a mere dabbling has become a more fierce pursuit of practice. Wielding the elegant War Scythe and empowered by a bargain with the Void, she's become quite the adept machine of death. A force that Nelasa turns upon the inky darkness that blotches numerous corners of Eorzea.


A job led her client too close to a Garlemald encampment, forcing her to clash with a patrol. Upon slaying the captain of the patrol and retrieving their gunblade did the spark of interest in Magitek occur. Her practice with the odd weapon turned into a sort of mastery as she used it more and more. Bumping into a Hrothgar veteran of the gunblade allowed her to hone her ability further with his guidance.


One cilent hired her and several others to accompany them into the ruins of Mhach. Research and observation of some sort. The danger was underestimated of course, leaving Nelasa the lone survivor to escape with a plundered stone. This small stone seemed to be inscribed with memories, vast knowledge of Thaumaturgy and even darker magics. It led her to a guild in Ul'dah, the Arrzaneth Ossuary, where she learned more of black magics and how better to cast them. While powerful, it's not a tool she uses often. Only in the most dire circumstances.


Newer Screenshots

Older Screenshots

Commissioned Art

Twitter- @fauvora - Faces of Eorzea

Twitter- @nashirasauce - Nashira

Twitter- @MariaJakob1 - MariaJakob

Twitter- @elwaifu - Elwaifu

Carrd- - Saki The Photosmith

A bit more background
(IC Spoilers)

Both Nelasa and her elder bother Arenor were born in the city of Ishgard, fathered by Lord Merandir Evencrest, husband to Lady Aduina Evencrest. The lady of the house was not the mother, however, instead Merandir fancied one of his housemaids and had his way with her. First was Arenor, then a couple years later would come Nelasa. Early into the children's lives after they were born, they were hidden away from Lady Aduina. This did not last, and they were discovered after some time. The traits shared within these miqo'te children that her husband had as well sparked rage in the noble elezen. Certainly suspicious of Arenor when he came along but it was confirmed in her mind when she looked closer at Nelasa.Lord Merandir banished the children to the streets and his wife ordered the execution of the housemaid her husband so fancied. Cold and on their own, the two were barely toddlers when they ended up in the Brume. Over the course of six years the slum-dwellers would keep an eye on the two until they could hold their own, constantly telling them tales of the horrid nobles that live among the Pillars and how awful Lord Merandir is. Arenor always looked after his little sister, but the two never had a parental figure.The two siblings enjoyed playing in Coerthas, tumbling among the snowdrifts and careful to avoid danger. One day while playing they hear the sounds of conflict, clashing of blades and shouting. Cresting over a snowy hill they'd see a bundled up man locked in combat with two Ishgardian patrolman. They'd always hear about the bad things the guard would do to those from the slums, figuring that this stranger was probably like them they rushed to help. The kids weren't much for combat, mostly throwing rocks to distract while the stranger did the heavy lifting. It worked though, he fell them with his eastern blade and thanked the pair profusely. The man offered the kids shelter, food, and training. At first Arenor didn't trust this stranger, but in time he'd see this man as a father, as would Nelasa.The man revealed himself to be Kyo Surisawa, an exiled swordsman from Kugane. A damn good one at that, over the course of seven years he'd personally train and look after the two siblings. In that time they'd find a dwelling within the city of Ishgard, paid for by the occasional sell sword work Nelasa and Arenor would take up. Kyo never spoke much about his past to his adoptive children, but he was a man on the run. A criminal organization at the time had majority control of the Sekiseigumi within Kugane, a policing group of which Kyo was an avid member of. Unfortunately those that don't play along with the methods of their criminal benefactors receive a visit by a notorious assassin known as 'The Sword Collector'. Named for his method of stealing the swords of those he's marked to slay. Mostly good-natured Sekieigumi. Kyo escaped with his life, but forever remained an exile from his homeland and hunted by these thugs.Kyo had assumed he was far enough away to be safe from their reach. He wasn't. In their home within the Coerthan Western Highlands, the three were assaulted by a sizable force sent all the way from Kugane. Arenor and Nelasa were weak no longer though, having nearly a decade of training under their belts, and roughly a dozen mercenary jobs completed made the two quite formidable as a team. The siblings alongside Kyo fended off nearly two dozen well armed assassins, though not unscathed. The exile suffered a poisoned arrow to the leg, fast acting and very lethal. He perished not long after the raid ceased.After the attack, Arenor and Nelasa buried their kind adoptive father before parting ways. Arenor remained in Ishgard, believing there was a difference to be made in the city. Nelasa went south, she couldn't take the memories that lingered in the region. She found refuge in Thanalan, Ul'dah to be specific. In time she'd find her calling in the form of playing the part of a bodyguard to numerous wealthy merchants and travelers. A task she'd stick to for nearly four years until shifting her focus from guarding smug merchants to perusing hunt postings, reuniting with an armored Arenor to team up once again.

Reference Images

Lord Merandir Evencrest - Nelasa's father

Lady Aduina Evencrest - Merandir's wife

Cemi Epocan - Nelasa's mother

Kyo Surisawa - Nelasa's foster father

Arenor Vess - Nelasa's elder brother


Are you a wealthy merchant from Thanalan/Ul'dah? Or maybe even a mercenary of sorts in that area? You may have worked with Nelasa in the past or heard of her bodyguard services.

Have you lived in the Brume in Ishgard? Or perhaps around Coerthas? You might have known Nelasa and her brother as they grew up, or perhaps knew of them and their foreign foster father.

Dabbled any in the higher echelons of Thaumaturgy? Perhaps even Black Magic? You may have bumped into Nelasa or traded notes even.

Lived in Kugane your whole life? Had any dealings with the Sekiseigumi? You might have known Nelasa's foster father.

Voidhutner? Member of the Lemures? You'd either know, have seen, or heard of Nelasa. Want her to know you? Just DM and we'll sort it out!